On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 07:10:10PM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> Yeah, tin foil hats on... but SOMETHING weird is going on
> and I suspect this is the best place to find people who can
> tell me what. And after all my webserver does run Debian :-)
> I've been noticing some very strange activity in my webserver
> logs over the last few days. It only seems to happen to
> people using American ISPs, mostly Comcast and Verizon.
> What happens is I get a sequence of requests
> for all the images off the root page of my website
> http://pigeonsnest.co.uk - and only that site, it doesn't
> seem to be happening to any others. The requests come in
> the usual order corresponding to the order in which the 
> HTML references them, and have the expected Referer:
> header of http://pigeonsnest.co.uk/ . But there is no
> request for the actual HTML page, only the images off it.
> Sometimes the sequence of requests for the images is
> immediately preceded - as in so close in time that
> the process forked to serve it gets the immediately
> preceding process ID - by a request for the HTML page
> which comes from an IP owned by Google.
> So it looks like Comcast, Verizon and some others are
> somehow proxying the requests for my HTML via some
> server owned by Google. And unlike a normal proxy,
> it caches the HTML for a long time but the images
> not at all.
> And it's not people reading the cached copy of my
> site from the "Cached" link on a google search. When
> people do that it is obvious from the Referer: headers.
> And I can't see any reason why ISPs would proxy the
> requests for the HTML and not the images unless they're
> doing some kind of content filtering or censorship on
> the HTML. How do I know that what Comcast/Verizon/etc
> customers are seeing is what I published?
> No doubt there will be several Comcast and Verizon
> customers reading this message so I hope some people
> will have some useful input.

Hi P,
I use Google Reader which is an RSS reader, maybe its doing this?
Or maybe someone is using your images on another website? I'm on
verizon, is there something I can test?

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