On Sun, Aug 10, 2003 at 02:28:38AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> From: Loren M Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Debian-User Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Good Debian-based distro
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm looking for a good debian-based distro with a good and user friendly
> install program.  I love debian much better than redhat based distros
> mostly for the packaging system, especially all those apt-* commands.
> Though for my less linux experienced friends, I have to install debian
> for them if I want to get them to use it.  I've heard of Libranet, Corel,
> and Xandros OS that are debian based but haven't tried any of them.  Any
> recommendations or should I just have them use redhat or mandrake?
Corel - dead.  Replaced by Xandros.  The "old" Corel distribution,
should you find it somewhere, can be upgraded to Debian but is
basically unsupported.

Libranet - small Canadian company.  Well packaged as I understand it.

Xandros - Successor in title to Corel.  Well packaged, relatively 
complete desktop system as I understand it.  Fairly high cost.

Lindows - ask others opinion on this one.  Well packaged but high 

All of the above are commercial distributions with their own agendas.

You might want to try burning them a copy of Knoppix and giving it to
them to play with.  Knoppix is essentially Debian unstable + a small 
amount.  Runs in RAM from CDROM.  

Pros: Very full featured. One man's distribution for himself - put 
together exceedingly well. Hardware autodetection excellent.  Usability 
good.  Regularly updated. The basis for Morphix and a whole host of 
other "live" CD's.  Contains about 2.8 GB on a 700M CDROM.  Will install 
to hard disk with one command, taking with it all the X settings etc. 
that have been autodetected.

Cons: Be aware that you run as root initially.  No clear upgrade
path, though possibly direct to Debian unstable.  (Knoppix today
is actually slightly ahead - XFree 4.3 is in there).
Free in cost - it may contain a small amount of what Debian would 
consider non-free

All the above IMHO - I also help maintain the Distributions HOWTO
in English so would appreciate any Debian based distro's I've missed.


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