2008/5/31 Peer Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Package: unknown
> Version: NN
> I am connected to the Internet via an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
> (iwl3945 module). Epiphany and Evolution work fine, but always start in
> "offline mode". To connect to any site resp. receive/send e-mail, I have
> to uncheck the item "Work offline" in the "Files" menu of
> Epiphany/Evolution. Iceweasel/Firefox behaves different and starts in
> online mode. Lynx and ping also work fine from the start.
> Perhaphs its a bug in Gnome: When I am connected wireless the network
> manager always shows the "not connected" icon, even when I am online.
> Connecting wired via eth0 "cures" the problem. Perhaps Gnome notifies
> all Gnome-native apps that I am offline when I am using wlan0 (because
> eth0 is dead).
> I am using Debian GNU/Linux "Lenny" (testing), kernel 2.6.24-1-amd64 #1
> SMP, and Gnome 2.22.1.
Has the same problem a while ago. I solved it with sledgehammer approach and
got rid of Network Manager. If you need to use NM I'd suggest installing
gconf-editor and see if you can find any settings related to your issue.



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