On 06/28/2008 04:36 PM, Carl Fink wrote:
Under US law, you may want to think about copyright issues.  I don't know
about any other country's laws.

Good input.

There's a Debian packaged mencoder at debian-multimedia.org.  Just add that
repository to your sources.list.


It's going to be.  The AVI container format isn't suitable for the very
smallest file size, and you're setting a high bit rate.

Ogg Theora springs to mind. It's totally free (no patents, no nothing). Quality is good, but ...

Not the right codec for Mac and Windows users (software not available)?

AVI works, actually.  Windows Media Video (WMV) is not open, but it's
playable on all three with the right software.  MP4 can be played on all
with the right software and will give you excellent compression.  Actually,
FLV is a good choice for web streaming.  You can play them locally, if you
can convince your users to install VLC or something.

I don't wish to use FLV because its a proprietary format developed and
maintained by one company. I don't wish to support closed formats.
Streaming is not a requirement for me.

It means AVI is the best choice for out-of-the-box playing on all
platforms and devices?

BTW, I convert FLV to AVI with this command line:

        ffmpeg -i filename.flv -sameq filename.avi

You can automate this with:

        for i in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i {} -sameq `basename {} flv`.avi ; done

Using "-sameq" gives you the same bit rates as the original file.  If
desired, you can specify codecs as well, but the default MPEG4 ASP and MP2
works for me.  (If size is an issue, force MP3 compression.)

With your command line options the size problem still exists:

$ du -sk test*
10072   test.avi
2464    test.flv
10104   test_mp3.avi


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