Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 02 Jul 2008, Bob Cox wrote:
On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 07:51:20 +0100, Anthony Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I don't understand label in this context.  Where is it set?
This was explained by Florian Kulzer earlier in this thread.  (It was
such a good explanation I kept it for future reference!)

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:30:00 +0200, Florian Kulzer

You can use UUIDs or labels to refer to the partitions. This is
robust if a newer kernel changes the device nodes (e.g. from /dev/hda to
/dev/sda). You can use the "blkid" utility to find out the UUIDs of your
partitions, or you can set your own labels with e2label (and mkswap -L
for the swap partition).

To give you an example, I labeled my root partition "root" and this is
the corresponding fstab entry:

LABEL=root       /          ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  1

If you want to use UUIDs then the syntax is "UUID=....".

Sorry, I hadn't read the e2label line properly. But I don't think it
would affect the issue I encountered here, which was a change in the
actual partition referred to. The label would still be referring to
the wrong partition. Still, now that I know this can happen I will not
be caught by it in the future.


I think you should be asking yourself how the old kernel boots with hdb9. Grub numbering system starts from 0 so hd(0,0) is hda1 and hda(1,9) is hdb10 etc. Are you sure you don't have another debian/linux install on hdb9 :).

Anyhow glad you got it fixed.


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