On 2008-07-23 20:06, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> All ready covered two emails ago.
>>> In a word, Yes.

Oooops, sorry for not reading the thread careful enough.

> Notice I said ADVANCED options?  I find killing the touchpad while
> typing while still using the alt and ctrl keys with out killing the
> touchpad a useful feature as is circular scrolling.
> Once you KNOW to look under xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (really
> intuitive, that, it should just be /usr/share/doc/synaptics, how are
> you supposed to know to look for xserver-xorg-input-synaptics?)

$ aptitude search synaptics
i   gsynaptics                      - configuration tool for Synaptics
p   libsynaptics-dev                - library to access the synaptics
touch pad
p   libsynaptics0                   - library to access the synaptics
touch pad
p   xfree86-driver-synaptics        - dummy package to upgrade to X.Org
new mod
v   xorg-driver-synaptics           -
i A xserver-xorg-input-synaptics    - Synaptics TouchPad driver for

gives you the hint.

gsynaptics, by the way, is a graphical configuration tool to configure
the touchpad 'on the fly'. I don't know if it can be used to disable the
touchpad while typing thing, but you already found a solution.

Another handy tool I use is unclutter, which hides the mouse curser
after some time, so it doesn't get into the way while you're just reading.



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