Andrei Popescu wrote the following on 24.07.2008 18:28


<---------------  man 1 passwd  -------------
-l, --lock
        Lock the named account. This option disables an account by changing
        the password to a value which matches no possible encrypted value,
        and by setting the account expiry field to 1.

> Interesting, the manpage passwd(1) says that 'passwd -l' should also set 
> account expiry to 1, but it doesn't. Either passwd or the manpage is 
> wrong, so I think this should be reported against the package passwd.
> Regards,
> Andrei

well here it does. Tested with both Debian lenny and Ubuntu hardy.
Which version do you use?

If you have a locked account without that expiry and use either of the above
just 'lock' that account again and then take a look at /etc/shadow.

bye Thilo

key: 0x4A411E09

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