I still consider myself a newbe.  I have looked in Synaptic package
manager and I have orange liborange0 when I do a search for flash
player.  I see swf-player, but that says that is a plugin for mozilla
and I am using Epiphany as my web-browser.  I have downloaded
flashplayer10_install_linux_051508.i386.rpm but how do I install
that....what program?

http://www.cbsnews.com/ and in the upper right hand corner you see
VIDEOS (click on that tab) and then click on a video.  I get, you need
flash player 9 installed or later

And on another install question, I have downloaded
adobeair_linux_a1_033108.bin because there are some add ons for this
that I want to use.  How do I install a bin file?


PS.  I installed deb on my mothers pc and other then the fact that she
likes to double click on everything (I find multiple copies on her
desktop), she loves it.  She says that she is still getting used to
where everything is located at.
Jonathan Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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