Hi Péter,

Am 2008-09-03 00:08:51, schrieb Péter András Felvégi:
> Hello,
> I have a few requirements for a mua, and have not yet found the ideal program:
> - store the settings/address book on a server instead of the local
> machine (I access my mailboxes from different machines)
> - handles multiple inboxes (I use imaps mainly)
> - possibility to set the fcc folder for a given address book entry
> - possibility to save the message from the inbox to the desired fcc
> with as few keystrokes as possible
> - minimal intelligence when I reply to a mail in my 'sent' folder:
> don't address it to myself rather to the one I sent the mail
> - display html mail with pictures, etc
> - a spam filter integrated with my address book, so emails from known
> addresses won't be marked accidentally
> Thunderbird lacks the possibility of remote configs/address books,
> can't set the fcc in the address book and thus sorting mail is rather
> frustrating, it wants to send mail to myself when I reply to an
> already sent message and the last version I used had a bug when
> deleting attachments.
> Alpine is quite close, has remote config and address book, fcc setting
> in the address book, thus easy mail sorting, but I was not yet able to
> configure multiple inboxes, html mail is limited to text since it uses
> the console and no spam filtering.
> Any recommendations?

pine/alpine are not more supported.

However, what you want can be done if you use a small perl script  which
using "libnet-imap-simple-perl"  which  pull  down  the  config  from  a
"secret" folder and pass it to mutt with the option

    mutt -F <downloaded_config>

or if you have a Webserver available you can do

  TMPCONFIG=`mktemp -t muttrc.XXXXXX || exit 1`
  wget -O ${TMPCONFIG} http://www.your-server.here/secret_muttrc_name
  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    mutt -F ${TMPCONFIG}
  rm -f ${TMPCONFIG}
Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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