Ron Johnson wrote:
On 09/25/08 03:29, Lubos Vrbka wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

But then, I've got an external Firewire drive, and it's recognized at boot, as are all my thumb drives, so maybe your product doesn't follow some spec well enough, and new kernels are more strict than older kernels.
would there be any way how to find you if this is the case?

i meant, seeing/checking somehow in more detail, if the kernel really has this sort of problems. what puzzles me is, that if i re-plug the drive later to the same port, it works without problems.

i've seen on the web a suggestion to use
echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first
but i don't know how to set this (if it is gonna help) at the very beginning of the boot process (some 4 seconds after the grub gives the control to the kernel according to the timer). is there any kernel boot option to do this?



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