Hal Vaughan wrote:

> But I've learned, the hard way, NEVER file a bug report in a FOSS 
> project.  I have several times and have yet to find one where the 
> developers were appreciative of the bug report.  I'll go even farther: 
> In most cases they've been outright hostile and I've had times where 
> they've "told me off" to justify closing the bug.

If that would be true, do you think that *two* DDs would even bother to
reply to you on this list and research this issue to get it fixed?

I have learned, that in FOSS it is really important how you say things.
Remember that we are all volunteers and love what we do (and often feel
very emotional about it).

If you are getting bug reports which are insulting or call your work a
load of crap, then you are much less inclined to work on this issue.

A few kind words and appreciation can do wonders.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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