On Fri, 07 Nov 2008 21:21:23 -0600
Mark Allums <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did you read the whole post?

Yes, I did; why do you ask?

> What do you mean, when you say "lose/lost connection to the disk"?  I 
> don't recall having anything like that ever happen.  Sounds a bit
> like a cabling problem.

The disk became "unreachable", the error message was something like
that the "device or ressource is busy". Rebooting didn't help, I had to
turn the computer fully off before the disk became "reachable" again.
It worked for a while then --- could be a few days or two or three
months --- and for no apparent reason, it would lose connection again.
It wasn't a cabling problem either, I tried another cable and swapped
the disks, to no avail.

> I had a deal with Asus boards where, if you made a change to the disk 
> setup, like adding or removing a drive, the BIOS would change the 
> default boot disk without asking.  That was pretty obnoxious.  But is 
> was not a hardware problem.

How would you update the BIOS? I quit using floppy disks many years
ago, and they didn't have something to download and burn a bootable CD
from to update the BIOS of that board. Even if a BIOS update would have
fixed the problem, it wasn't possible to update it --- and it didn't
fix it for the boards we had at work.

Before that, I've had a couple MSI boards, at home and at work, and
I've never had any trouble with them. I would have bought MSI again,
but the Asus board seemed to have some advantages, and Asus had a good
reputation. After that experience, I'm not buying Asus anymore and can
only recommend to stay away from them.

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