On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 05:30:51PM -0500, Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
> root wrote:
>>     How can I get 'root' out of the 'From:' line of root's offsite mail?
>> I've scanned the docs for exim4, mutt and mailx on this Debian
>> etch(mostly) system but nothing found so far.
>>     I know I can send mail as another user but would rather
>> find a solution that doesn't necessitate that.
>> I tried Google but found no answer there.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
> In .muttrc you can add a 'set from' line:
> set from="mel...@aol.com"
> For system mail forwarded to a real address in /etc/aliases, you would  
> want something like Postfix's address rewriting rules like so:
> http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html

As aparant from the headers, he's running exim and the mail was not sent 
with mutt (the mailer has not set any user-agent header. I suspect the 
simpler 'mail' was used).

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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