On Saturday 10 January 2009, Anton Liaukevich <leva...@gmx.com> wrote 
about 'Permanent problems with KDE':
>EXCUSE ME for message in russian to this list (mistaken by accident).

No problem.  Everyone makes mistakes.

>I use Lenny, full-upgrade distribution almost every day.

I safe-upgrade, but mostly I'm in the same boat.

>Formely (may be in August) I reinstalled Debian and save at the same
>time KDE settings (~/.kde directory).
>Plenty of time I have been plagued with KDE and its applications:

They are working good here.  There were some delays last month, but not as 
severe as you indicate and affecting all applications.  It turned out to 
be a resolvconf configuration issue that causes DNS requests to go over 
the VPN rather than be resolved locally.

>1) Every time, after I have being working for 30-40 minutes, KDE
>applications (konquerror, krusader, kate, kile, kpdf, kdvi) ceases to
>boot or opens after 10-15 min. since launching of them. Usually, there
>is icon on the panel showing that application is booting, next the icon
>disappears, but application stay in the process list (ps -A). After
>killing the same repeats.

It might be helpful to start the process under strace and look at where it 
is spending most of it's time.

>2) Issue with login/logout in KDE.
>Sometimes it occurs that after some working in KDE & logout X-server is
>killed but not been resotored. Therefore I need to login at console (and
>reboot the machine).

Do you have to reboot the machine, or can you simply restart your login 
manager?  Assuming you are using kdm you can try to restart the login 
manager with "invoke-rc.d kdm restart" as root.

>3) Sometimes (after very long activities) Krusader buzzes.


>Some information about my system:
>distribution: Lenny, uptodate
>kernel: package linux-image-2.6-686, ver. 2.6.26+17
>x: package xserver-xorg, ver. 1:7.3+18, I use commercial nvidia drivers
>(built from "nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-source" package)

Can you try with the nv driver instead?  Just temporarily to see if the 
nvidia driver could be at fault.  No need to uninstall the nvidia driver, 
just install xserver-xorg-video-nv.  Then, update your X.org 
changing 'Driver "nvidia"' to 'Driver "nv"'.

>There is my /home/ directory on a separate patition on NTFS! I'm using
>"ntfs-3g" drivers but not from distribution and not even official from
>www.ntfs-3g.org site. I'm using unofficial advanced branch from
>http://pagesperso-orange.fr/b.andre/advanced-ntfs-3g.html, release
>1.5130AR.1 (it is considered stable there) in order to
>_access_permissions_ will work (it is implemented using user mapping
>(windows <-> linux)). Can this partition (which store user's profiles &
>data) causes some problems with KDE?

It's possible, but a little unlikely.  KDE stores configuration settings in 
~/.kde, but those are all normal files.  It also uses ~/.kde/tmp-* and 
~/.kde/socket-* but only as symlinks to directories in /tmp, and I'm 
pretty sure NTFS has good support for symlinks.

Still, if reasonable, you should try with Debian's ntfs-3g (temporarily) 
and see if the problem persists, just to remove some suspicion.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
b...@iguanasuicide.net                     ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.net/                      \_/     

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