Bob Cox wrote:
> So long as you have a static IP which is from a block recognised as such
> (which amongst other things means it is not listed in dul.dnsbl) AND
> have valid a valid rDNS (PTR record) in place then you can send to these
> people ok.  I've been doing it for years.

    That's the problem, the rDNS.  Most of the large email providers don't
make a distinction between the dynamic IP pool and the static IP pool of ISP.
   Some, AOL for example, will allow mail if your reverse DNS matches.
However the large ISPs that control DSL/Cable over on this side of the pond
will happily sell you $5/month for a static IP but will not change the reverse

    In fact I got into a lovely argument over this with a representative of my
 DSL provider.  At the time they were partnered with Earthlink.  He was trying
to blow smoke up my ass about how hard it was to change a reverse DNS entry.
Then I cited him chapter and verse on how to do it in bind.

    Then he backed off and said they had 400,000 static IP customers and the
churn made it impractical.  I told him at $2 million/month revenue it most
certainly was not impractical and that my old job was writing the back-end
scripts for the provisioning of new users on Earthlink's Pasadena web farm.
Chances are that his actions brought him in contact with scripts I wrote.

    For just 10% of one month's revenue I'd be more than happy to go into
their hosting pipeline and automate provisioning of reverse DNS so all he had
to do was enter the IP & name in a web form and click "OK".  User
cancellations would trigger a restore to their normal reverse DNS scheme.

    He finally just said they don't do it and would not argue about it any
more.  *shrug*

    Sooo, yeah, that's pretty much why I now pay an extra $25/month for a
256Mb VM to run DNS, web (for webmail), smtp, pop and imap.  Because of the
lack of competition in the DSL/Cable market hosting it on my dual-core, 2GB,
glorified-router of a file-server at home is thwarted.

   ....  Sorry about that...


         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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