On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:14:31AM +1000, Adrian Levi wrote:
> 2009/1/10 Michael Pobega <pob...@gmail.com>:
> > On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 10:38:34PM +0000, Chris S wrote:
> >> Hello everyone genius type people,
> >> Can you help, I don't know much about computers (in comparison to you guys)
> >> they ran perfectlly but now the video is very 'jerky'. I am unsure about 
> >> the
> >> further details you require and so instead of guessing could you let me 
> >> know
> >> what you need (and maybe how to find it) I will send you the details. I 
> >> have
> >> googled myself to near insanity but cannot find anything that directly
> >> helps. My apologies if I'm not being clear or doing something wrong.
> > I'm not trying to say something completely useless here, but perhaps you
> > should try updated to Lenny? Etch is soon to be an unsupported version
> > of Debian, so I would honestly upgrade before getting into anything.
> Yes it is soon to be oldstable but security fixes will still apply to
> it for some time.
> Updating to Lenny for a new user for your reason above is 1)
> Unnessesary to fix this problem, 2) can create more problems than he
> is trying to fix and 3) Lenny is not stable yet.

I don't really agree with that. Lenny already has very few RC bugs and
has been in freeze for quite a while. In my opinion Lenny would be
easier for a new user, as it will avoid the (often) troublesome upgrade

Also, Lenny may include some updated video drivers that may or may not
fix Chris' problem; I don't see how trying to nip something like this in
the bud could create problems.

Though it's really up to Chris in the end anyway -- This is all just
idle chatter.

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