Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. schrieb:
If Paul makes a bug report, this will just add another bug to the long list
of bugs in cdrkit but it will not result in a bugfix.

Since previous bugs files have resulted in a bugfix, I choose not to believe your predictions of the future.

Given the bug statistics for wodim, this is a rather optimistic attitude:

    * 35 Outstanding
    * 1 Forwarded
    * 4 Resolved

The 4 resolved include one with no fix due to missing feedback and two concerning printing wrong messages!!!!!

Only 2 bugs with status "more information needed". Does it mean that for 33 bugs there is enough information available but no correction available?

I do not agree with Joerg on all this legal issues (better: I do not bother about), but I am afraid that concerning the wodim development status he may be right.

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