On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 02:32:35PM -0800, L Glidewell wrote:
> On Monday 19 January 2009 14:08:56 Michael Pobega wrote:
> > I just got into my new dorm room, only to find out that they block all
> > IRC clients. I find this pretty disheartening since I often lurk on
> > #debian and #debian-eeepc
> >
> > Is there any good way to tunnel or encrypt my data, or something
> > similar? I am looking for something feasible, considering I can't afford
> > to run my own tunnel or proxy.
> I doubt they block the clients, but rather the ports used by said clients. 
> Also, try Mibbit if you haven't yet. 

Well yeah, web-based IRC works but I'd like to avoid it since I monitor
so many channels and have accounts on four IRC networks. I'd be a pain
to spend a whole two minutes logging into everything.

I've read about ezbounce, but I'd need a computer between my own and
the IRC server to use it, right? Or could I host it locally for the
same effect?


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