Tzafrir Cohen:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 09:52:02PM +0100, Jochen Schulz wrote:
>> In other words: you want to be able to receive mail for your DynDNS
>> domain on your local system? That is probably a bad idea, since every
>> time your public IP address changes, mail can get lost. I really advise
>> against this.
> DynDNS uses a relatively short TTL due to that.

But nobody is preventing users (or ISPs) from ignoring the TTL. And
nobofy is preventing anyone from setting up mailservers which accept
mail for any domain.

> However some black lists include ranges of dialup users (or from hosts
> whose reverse DNS lookup is improper).

This is only a problem if the OP wants to send mail from his DynDNS
server. It shouldn't matter when he only wants to receive mail.

If I won the lottery I would keep all the money and wallpaper my house
with it.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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