Nuno Magalhães wrote:
Thank you, Nuno. However, the other filesystems have tens of gigabytes
that I do not want to copy. I only want to know which files are there,
not to have the actual files themselves.

If you want just the names, not the content... then it would probably
be a very weird combination of ls, grep and cut, unless there's some
proggie that'll do that for you (in perl maybe?). Plus mkdir to
preserve the hierarchy, unless absolute paths suffice.

Nuno Magalhães

$ find <specific directory>   > filelist.txt


$ find ~/hugeDirectory/   > filelist.txt

generates you a textfile with a list of all files, directories (and special files). Should be enough. To search, use less or grep. vi could block your system for some minutes.

I am not aware of some caching filesystem, which only "caches" the directory structure, without the files content.

Best regards,
Benjamin Schmidt

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