Joe McDonagh wrote:
> At the risk of starting a huge religious war:

    About top posting vs. actually formatting your messages intelligently?

> 1. Preseed vs. kickstart

> If you're only running at home or only a few machines at work, you're
> not going to run into this. Once you're done a RH install a .ks file is
> dropped under /root. You can now use this file to kickstart identical
> machines in PXE in a couple of minutes. There is no such automatic
> generation in Debian.

    I take it you've never heard of dpkg --set-selections and dpkg

> 2. The disarray of configuration files vs centralized system config dir

> In RH you have /etc/sysconfig. Almost every single system configuration
> file is under here. In Debian, anything goes.

    /etc/default...  But traditionally, yeah, /etc/ is where config files go.

> 3. RPM vs DPKG query subsystem.

> No, not yum vs. apt-get or aptitude or aptsomethingelse. To find
> information with dpkg seems difficult and unwieldy. Example: Say you
> want to find what package a specific file belongs to. With dpkg you
> should a dpkg-query -s to search the cache. I don't like that.

    Then learn your commands?

> I just want to know what package a given file on the filesystem belongs
> to. rpm -qf $FILE, done. The query system is general in rpm is simple yet
> robust.

{g...@teleute:~} dpkg -S `which mutt`
mutt: /usr/bin/mutt
{g...@teleute:/lib} dpkg -S
libc6-i686: /lib/i686/cmov/
libc6-xen: /lib/i686/nosegneg/
libc6: /lib/

> dpkg-query just doesn't do it for me. And I also don't like how
> there are a bunch of dpkg-* files that split up various functions of the
> dpkg system.

    You know, I never even heard of dpkg-query until you just brought it up.
I've been using Debian for 10 flippin' years.  For those 10 years I have used
four commands in dpkg.

dpkg -s - show a package's description
dpkg -S - search for a pattern in packages
dpkg -l - list all packages
dpkg -L - list all files in a package

    That is pretty much the extent that I have to know about dpkg without
referring to --help once every, ohhhh, 3-4 years.

> Before all of Debian users pass a brick, this is mostly preference,
> except #1 is pretty hard to deny that RH makes your life a *lot* easier
> in that dept.

    Nope, pretty much all preference, and based out of ignorance at that.

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