        I still cannot log with nis.
        I atached a strace log of: "su - user".
        Anyone can help me?
        Thanks,         PH

        Hi all,
        I have a debian potato nis server. I have some debian woody desktops (nis 
clients) configured.
        When I updated these machines do sid, the nis stopped to work! :(
        Only when I do su - from root account, it "works": 

machine:~# su - user
su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.

        How I can fix this?
        TIA,            Paulo Henrique

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira 
Gerente de Operações - Linux Solutions - http://www.linuxsolutions.com.br 
O maior conteúdo de Linux em língua portuguesa - OLinux - http://www.olinux.com.br 
(21) 2526-7262 ramal 31

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Description: Binary data

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