Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 30 2009, Paul E Condon wrote:
>> You did not lose an hour. You got up an hour early because you are a
>> slave to the reading on a clock that you know you set forward by an
>> hour the night before. This is not the behavior of a rational being,
>> IMHO. The only reason, IMHO, that you subscribe to such nonsense is
>> that it has been repeated so many times that you have forgotten that
>> it is a lie.
>         On the other hand, I get up an hour early because I am addicted
>  to eating. I have to mesh my activities with other folks, and they
>  start work at a time that is an hour earlier in the summer. Grocery
>  stores, Pharmacies, movie theaters -- things that affect my schedule --
>  all shift.

Not to mention work hours, for those who do not work at home, have
completely flexible work hours, or run their own business.

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.
                -- John Milton


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