Dear users,

I one of the maintainers of the rtorrent/libtorrent packages in Debian.

Many probably know, but it doesn't hurt to say here that rtorrent is a very lean bittorrent program meant to be used in the terminal, but very powerful and with advanced features like Peer Exchange (PEX) and Distributed Hash Tables (DHT). It has feature parity with other bittorrent clients and is very lean and can be flexibly used, even with remote downloads.

The team of maintainers has just released a new update of the packages.

The new versions are found in unstable, but I believe that there's nothing that would prevent them from working in a testing/squeeze environment, which means that you can grab the packages from your preferred mirror and install them (along with their dependencies, of course).

So, I would like to kindly request some feedback on rtorrent/ libtorrent, since it incorporates major features and some incompatible backwards changes that are important to be known, as we think that the package is fit for a new Debian release (if nothing else blocks it).

Please, test it and let us know how things are going. If you find bugs, please report bugs against rtorrent. Your feedback is very much appreciated, as we are working to get you a solid release.

Thanks, Rogério Brito.

P.S.: Please, keep the CC'ies, as I'm not subscribed to debian-users and I don't know about the other developers also.

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