Freddy Freeloader <> writes:
> Thorny wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 May 2009 12:31:05 -0700, Freddy Freeloader posted:
>>>  In my mind there is no good reason for this fix to go into Sid
>>> and then sit there until the dependencies are satisfied for that version
>>> number.
>> Well, that is the standard flow. I hear you that it isn't convenient for
>> you but it is standard.
> It is also standard flow to fix bugs that are found in testing, not to
> always wait until a new version comes down from Sid.  That's the
> purpose for which testing exists.  Those bugs not found while a
> package is in Sid are fixed in testing when fixing them does not
> require a new dependency or will break some other package.  So why
> should this bug be any different?  It exists in testing so it should
> be fixed in testing too, not allowed to just sit for months when it's
> a very simple fix. 

It seems you do not really understand the workflow in debian. No bug is
never fixed in testing. No upload is never allowed to testing (ok,
except in deep freeze, and even then the package is uploaded to
testing-proposed-updates, not testing). Every single change to a package
must go through sid first. So, if someone find a serious bug in kde 4.1
now, there is no way to the maintainers to fix it in testing before kde
4.2 hits testing.

If you use testing, you should know that it can be at times even more
broken than sid. It's the way it works. testing is less unstable than
sid: it means testing changes less than sid, it's all.

Hope that helps,


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