Tony Baldwin writes:

> Shouldn't killing the p2p client stop broadcasting the ip on the p2p
> network?  Maybe the other user is leaving it on in the background?

The other user has hung up his modem line, and the ISP has now given
that IP address to me.

> Did you check top to see if it's still running?

As his computer is disconnected from the network, I would suppose his
P2P is effectively not running anymore. The problem is the hundreds of
other clients he was talking to apparently don't know that.

> I'm just guessing here, but I honestly thought killing the client
> should stop the incoming connections from seeking the ip, so I'm a
> little confused, and curious about the matter, now that you've brought
> it up.

I've used transsmission(1). When one wants to stop torrenting,
transsmission spends several seconds saying proper goodbyes to the
tracker or whatever, then exits.

What I assume is happening here is when I connect to my ISP, the
previous user of that IP address has not said these proper goodbyes,
hence 'the liquor store has been converted to a church but not all the
previous customer know that so they keep on knocking on the door'.

Or: the previous user of the washroom stall did flush the toilet,
however he didn't tell all his dope dealer pals his new location, hence
the incessant knocking on the door.

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