me wrote:

for dvd ripping you could use dvdrip, this is in the debian multimedia repositories:

for the games you can try wine or cedega, wine is in the repositories and cedega is commercial.

But beware, it's not always easy to get Windows games running on Linux.

Fortunately there are also some native Linux versions, like UnrealTournament, Quake4, Doom3, X2, etc.

About DVD ripping, I have always found the native KDE way easier and more transparent. On konqueror you enter dvd:/ (I think) and there you have it ready for ripping (You must have installed the libdvdcss2 library from the debian multimedia repo).

As for the games, a question: Has anybody tried playing such a game (Unreal, etc) under a virtualization engine? Virtualbox for example?


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