Lisi Reisz <> wrote:
> > > ...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.
> >
> > alias woman "locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep"
> And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area....
> Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least pretend 
> that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys for men to 
> grope?
> In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?

        If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.

        I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

        The joke is flawed though;

$ clean
bash: clean: command not found

        - Tyler

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