On Mon,06.Jul.09, 18:55:25, Micha Feigin wrote:
> it seems that ia32-libs is replaced with ia32-apt-get (which conflicts with it
> at the moment), but it doesn't seem to create the ia32 library list. I'm 
> trying
> to get acroread working again and as a start it is complaining that libxml2 is
> missing but with the current state of ia32-apt-get it doesn't seem to be
> installable. Any ideas on how to fix things?
ia32-libs is going through a lot of changes at the moment, there is a 
huge thread about it on debian-devel. You *might* be able to fix stuff 
if you downgrade relevant packages to testing/squeeze.

> I really need it for a talk tomorrow

Are you using *unstable* for a production system?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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