On Thu,16.Jul.09, 07:13:08, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * Andrei Popescu <andreimpope...@gmail.com> [2009 Jul 16 06:05 -0500]:
> > > does seem as though there is a strong sentiment against HAL from
> > > several users.  You might contact the Xorg developers and ask nicely
> > > for them to remove the dependency.
> > 
> > I don't think this is such a good idea. The Debian X Strike Force (Xorg 
> > maintainers) already received a lot of heat over this. Providing an 
> > alternative would be better. Anyway, see #515214.
> Note, I specifically mentioned the Xorg developers--Free Desktop
> Project--not the X Strike Force folks.  So, yes, my suggestion of who
> to discuss this with *is* a good idea.

Sorry, I misread what you wrote. Contacting the Xorg devs could be 
useful, but I'd understand if the answer would be the same: "provide an 

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(Albert Einstein)

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