Ron Johnson <> wrote:
> Is that Canadian "burning hot" (80F), Arizona "burning hot" (115F,
> 10% humidity) or New Orleans "burning hot" (90F, 60% humidity)?

I'm in canada, and it's 32C which according to google is new orleans hot but
i have no idea about the humidity...

> Anyway, why in God's name do you want to work in the burning heat,
> when AC is pissing distance away?

My yard extends farther than I can piss - but not farther than I can run an
extension cord.  It has a nice fir tree near that back.  Seems like a nice
place to hang out and program, if I can see the screen clearly and not melt
my interface to the digial universe.  I'll bring a jug of ice cold water and
always keep another chilling in the fridge to keep my personal epidermal
cooling system operational.

        - Tyler

> -- 
> Scooty Puff, Sr
> The Doom-Bringer
> -- 
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