Ron Johnson wrote:
> <Snicker>  Besides features already enabled via Addons?

    Shredder (Tbird 3.0) has it built directly into the client now.  No need
for Mnenhy + replytolist.  They finally, fi-nal-ly, hashed out some what to
present the options to reply-to-list.  While for people who found replytolist
and got it to work (*cough*) this may not be huge news but for others it will
be quite nice.  Besides, it'll be nice even if you had replytolist working all
this time to just be able to tell people to use the feature that you know is
now there without further explanation.  It would've cut down at least
half-a-dozen replies in this thread alone.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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