Chris Jones wrote:
> You're in mutt, you hit "r" for reply to poster instead of "L" for reply
> to list and this annoying "Reply-To: list" causes the "To:" header that
> is automatically created to point to the list instead of the poster's
> private address.

    Oh, doesn't even need to be in mutt or a single list.  I monitor both
Debian-User and Ubuntu-User since I run flavors of both.  D-U has no reply-to,
U-U does.  So here when I hit reply in TBird I had to (until recently)
remember to change it from the personal address to the list address.  While
there it just goes to the list.

> I caught a few of those in time, but sooner or later you forget to check
> before hitting "y" (send).

    'cept I also carry on private banter with a few people from either lists.
 Stuff that's just OT or a tad too snarky for public consumption.  Here, not a
problem as I had to actively change the address.  There... forget one time...
 and post a URL to a blog posting describing a novel way of handling USPS spam
from religious organizations by using escort ads from downtown Las Vegas in
the return envelopes...  >.<

    That one was a doozy.  :D

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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