JoeHill wrote:
> This is going to drive me nuts.
> I've removed Network Manager in the past because it causes no end of trouble,
> especially because it never seems to think I'm connected to the Internet, so
> everything starts in 'offline' mode.

Assuming you are using testing/unstable:

I guess you have your network interface configured in /etc/network/interfaces.
The default configuration in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings is
"managed=false", which tells NM to ignore interfaces configured in /e/n/i.

Now you can either set managed=true (and killall nm-system-settings) or remove
the interface configuration in /e/n/i and manage the connection via 

A third way is, if you want to *disable* NM without uninstalling it, to disable
the init script, so the daemon is not started at boot and none of the desktop
applications will then query NM for on/offline state.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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