Patrick Wiseman wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Emanoil Kotsev <>
> wrote:
>> Patrick Wiseman wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> After a recent testing upgrade (I do it daily, but this happened two
>>> days ago), my right-Alt key was not working properly.  Eg, in
>>> Iceweasel, Alt-left should go to the previous page.  With the right
>>> Alt key, nothing happened; with the left Alt key, it behaved as
>>> expected.  Googling revealed that, in Ubuntu, the right alt key
>>> "chooses 3rd level", but that did not seem to be so here when I
>>> checked System/Preferences/Keyboard.  But selecting the option "Right
>>> Alt key never chooses 3rd level" under the "Key to choose 3rd level"
>>> option appears to have corrected the problem.

This configurations are done installing/updateing xorg-conf and console. I
think (as far as I remember) you define the behavior when setting up the
keyboard (by choosing language and model) and still (I'm using kde) it
behaves normally - are you running kde3 or kde4?

>>> I never had this problem before; is Debian making some eurocentric
>>> presumptions (use of 3rd level on the keyboard) in its defaults?  I
>>> have no objection to that, except that when I select a US keyboard I
>>> would not expect those presumptions to operate!
>>> Patrick
>> right alt has special meaning on some keyboards and it depends on your
>> Xserver, desktop or console.
> None of which I changed.

but updating daily - so the update is the cause and not you ;-)

>> Have you had any updates recently, check! Ubuntu != Debian why are you
>> citing this?
> I am well aware that Ubuntu is not Debian - I cited it because it was
> about the only thing that Googling turned up on the problem.  And, as
> it turns out, the solution was related!  Did you notice that?

yes noticed - it's normal - :-) ubuntu's alpha debian testers (my opinion)
and we make the profit - but it's not always true.

> I posted in the hopes my information might be of help to people who
> experienced the same issue that I did, oh, I don't know, to maybe save
> them some time tracking it down?  I'm sorry it caused you a snit.
> Patrick

No, no problem at all - just didn't get the motivation why you are exactly
writing it.

However for most of the people right ALT is very useful and also I don't
undrstand how you are able to press right ALT and the arrowkeys at the same
time (without finger acrobatics) - are you on a notebook?


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