Liviu Andronic wrote:

> Two more pieces of information:
> debian-liv:/home/liviu# lspci | grep -i audio
> 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
> 01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller
> Also, I just downgraded alsa-utils to stable 1.0.16-2, and alsaconf
> reported that no PnP or PCI cards were found.
> Liviu

Downgrade is bad when you upgrade the kernel. Reverse!

alsaconf is not that reliable - it most probably does not recognize the ati
model and can not configure.

It got too late I have to go to bed, so I won't be "available" to guide you
further but you can google or read the documentation.

I would update to current level of alsa (libraries and utils). reboot is
good for alsa. But may be before reboot try to set a config file for your
card in modprobe.d as described in the other mail. I guess in 2.6.26 the
workaround you mentioned (alsactl -init) is just configuring the driver for
your ati chip or may be the chip itself. Putting configuration in a file
would configure all your sound cards the same way everytime. I recommend
this because I'm using usb camera, mic etc and if you plug them in
different order they occupy different sound slots which has the effect that
you have to change devices in apps. However this is changing now, but until
the metamorphosis is complete tell the system which card should be #0,1,2

I'm sure there is useful information you can find with google for your
specific card. Many things have changed (especially HDMI support) in recent
alsa, so I guess the issue is that now finally HDMI for you card is also

Of course it could be also a bug in the kernel code and then you should
downgrade the kernel and wait for fix.


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