Klistvud wrote:
Howdie, fellow Debianites!

I'm running Lenny with Gnome on two boxes, both connected wirelessly via network-manager to my home router. Problem: about once to thrice a day, one or both of the boxes randomly disconnect (they are using the proprietary Broadcom wl.ko and ndiswrapper, respectively) and I can't seem to make them reconnect. The nm-applet doesn't show the available networks anymore. Which are the services I should restart to make networking restart from scratch? What I've tried so far and *doesn't work*:

-- running /etc/init.d/networking restart
-- running /etc/init.d/networking-dispatcher restart
-- killing the Gnome nm-applet and starting another instance thereof from a Gnome-Terminal -- running all of the above in every picturesque combination I could think of
-- running ifup, ifdown
-- logging out and logging in again
-- turning wireless off and on with the hardware button on the box which has one
-- all to no avail

-- rebooting - oddly enough, this helps. After a reboot, network-
manager reconnects flawlessly, and everything runs fine for another day or so.

How does one REALLY restart wireless in Debian without rebooting?


Maybe the kernel module blacks out - try to find it, unload it and reload it using modprobe...
[I could also very well just talk BS!]


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