On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 06:24:05AM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Hi all!
> I was making a first attempt to establish a VPN between my house and the
> office. The scenery from the side of my house is the following one:
>                                                           ________
> +----------+     +-----------+     +----------+      ____/        \___
> | OpenVPN  |_____| GNU/Linux |_____| ADSL     |_____/     Internet    \
> | server   |     | Firewall  |     | Router   |     \____         ____/
> +----------+     +-----------+     +----------+          \_______/
> Local network:
> VPN network:

any particular reason not to run the vpn server on the firewall !  it is
already the default gw for your local lan and it would make routing

what you have below is the a sympton of the routing problem.

also any reason you choose tun over tap - I usually default to tap.


> In the GNU/Linux firewall configuration (using Shorewall), I only added a
> DNAT rule to the OpenVPN server. I believe that it is the unique thing that
> it would be being necessary.
> Besides this, in router I added a rule doing forwarding of the
> originating traffic of its own WAN with port 1194 to the interface that
> it has in the other end that it gives with GNU/Linux firewall.
> Until this instance, starting a OpenVPN client in the office I could
> verify that the tunnel is established, but I can only reach the OpenVPN
> server. The rest of hosts of my LAN is unareachables.
> The following one is a capture with tcpump in the OpenVPN server when I
> doing ping from the office to one host of my house:
> # tcpdump -i tun0
> tcpdump: WARNING: arptype 65534 not supported by libpcap - falling back to 
> cooked socket
> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
> listening on tun0, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 96 bytes
> 07:08:17.231084 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 47698, seq 1, length 64
> 07:08:18.233021 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 47698, seq 2, length 64
> 07:08:19.231793 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 47698, seq 3, length 64
> Apparently it would be lacking some way that causes that the packages
> could return.
> Then I tried adding the following thing:
> * To add in my GNU/Linux firewall a rule so that all the traffic that
>   goes to the network is reached through the IP of the
>   OpenVPN server:
>   # route add -net netmask gw
> * Enable forwarding in the OpenVPN server:
>   # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> And I repeated the test: 
> 07:13:17.213590 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 55380, seq 1, length 64
> 07:13:17.213942 IP ns1.freesoftware.org > ICMP echo reply, id 
> 55380, seq 1, length 64
> 07:13:18.215097 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 55380, seq 2, length 64
> 07:13:18.215433 IP ns1.freesoftware.org > ICMP echo reply, id 
> 55380, seq 2, length 64
> 07:13:19.215920 IP > ns1.freesoftware.org: ICMP echo request, id 
> 55380, seq 3, length 64
> 07:13:19.216272 IP ns1.freesoftware.org > ICMP echo reply, id 
> 55380, seq 3, length 64
> This way already I could reach with ping/nmap at the other hosts from the
> network. But in tests that I was doing there are moments at which when
> trying to login using ssh I can get it and in others I cannot. In this
> second case, tcpdump showed a similar problem to which commented above.
> I have the impression that continues existing some routing problem
> somewhere. Some idea of what can be the problem?
> Thanks in advance for your reply.
> Regards,
> Daniel

"We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in Sept. 11."

        - George W. Bush
Washington, DC

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