On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 20:20:23 +0100, Erik Grootjans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have update my samba server with the latest version 3.2.5 on
> Debian - lenny and i have a problem.
> I can see the shares (including the Samba shares)  from an XP workstation.
> I can't see any shares on my Linux Debian Box.


> mount -t smbfs -o password=**** //Enterprise/Fotos /var/mnt2
> cp -rv /var/mnt2/* /var/Fotos
> this works !
> But if i do a smbtree -b
> I get nothing
> Can anybody tell me what is changed in samba so the Workgroup is not
> visuabel from a Linux system, but is still visual from a
> XP-computer!
> PS I have done a clean install of Debian Lenny to my laptop.
> Including Samba. And the same problem overthere nothing in Nautulus.
> When I use SMB4K I get nothing at first
> If i search on a hostname
> The hostname is found, and i can browse it under the tab network
> So its possible to connect but why can i not see it under Samba

Does your Linux client use a firewall (iptables) to restrict access?
Maybe the responses to the broadcast queries are blocked.

Regards,            |
          Florian   |

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