John Jason Jordan wrote:
> However, several Linux friends have suggested it's time for me to move
> on. According to the advice I receive I no longer need the Ubuntu
> training wheels and I would be better served by going to a less
> newbie-oriented distro.

    I am going to take a different direction than the few answers I've seen
thus far.  I call this into question.  I offer myself up as an example.

    I have been using Debian since shortly before the libc5 to glib2 (libc6)
conversion.  IE, started on Bo (1997), slightly before Hamm (1998).  That's
6-7 years before Ubuntu's first release in 2004.

    Here are my Linux machines and the distros they use:
Olethros - Leased Xen VM for web/mail/ftp presence on the net.  Debian.
Teleute - Router/Samba server for my local network.  Debian
Morpheus - Desktop/Game Machine (dual-boot w/W7) - Ubuntu
Mania - Dell Mini 10v Netbook, my carry/use everywhere machine. - Ubuntu

    I question the notion that Ubuntu is somehow a lesser distro that one
outgrows.  By what you've written I should have never started using Ubuntu
since I supposedly outgrew it years before it existed!  Yet it is the Distro I
use most often as virtually all of my web browsing & email correspondence is
performed on my Netbook running Dell's remix of Ubuntu 8.04.  The only desire
I have for this machine is to have a newer release (9.10, anyone?) of Ubuntu;
preferably KUbuntu.  Not Debian, not Mandrake, Fedora Core, Puppy Linux or who
knows what other distros.

    Would I make an argument for Debian on servers?  Hell yes.  I think it is
the premiere server distro and would fight tooth and nail to get it on any
server that I were responsible for.

    But for your personal machine?  Does Ubuntu work for you?  Is it reliable?
 IE, is there any reason you're looking at another distro other than some
friend's snobbery when it comes to what is a "real" distro and what isn't?  If
the answers are yes, yes and no, simple.  Tell them to get bent and keep on
with what works for *you*.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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