
please see my answers below.

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> > > [...]
> > > Why is that a problem? Do you have Windows clients accessing the system
> > > through NFS?
> > 
> > Not necessarily, but I'd like to be on the safe side. 
> On what safe side?
> Can you give an example of a threat you wish to mitigate with such a
> scan?

A Windows client using WinSCP to a directory that's both NFS and CIFS
exported, perhaps? Furthermore, free NFS v3/v4 clients for Windows can
become available and then this threat can become real...

> Are you aware of the overhead?

No, can't judge it, to be honest.

> Are you aware of the potential threat that someone might trigger a
> security hole in either the module or the (omnipotent) scanner by
> reading a specially-crafted file?

Yes, but that can always be the problem, regardless of the underlying
file system.



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