Dotan Cohen wrote:

> A fellow student has Debian and Windows 7 on his laptop. I installed
> Windows first so that the Debian installer could configure grub
> properly, but after installing and setting up the system (which
> required a trip to the faculty technical support to set up printing
> and MatLab in Windows, not something that I want to repeat in the near
> future) I discovered that I had accidentally installed Windows to the
> wrong partition. Can I use the Debian disk to move Windows to a new
> partition? Are there any other tools that I could use? I do not care
> about what happens to the MBR as once Debian is installed it should
> configure grub properly in any case.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas.

I've done this (using ghost) and had to run the windows installer (install
cd in repair mode) to repair the installation. After this boot from debian
cd/usb or whatever and rerun grub setup with the new configuration.
I'm not sure if it's possible with vista or win7. I stopped dealing with M$
before vista came out.
Theoretically there is a boot.ini file in the windows root partition. This
is something like the grub menu.lst file. Google about or have a look in to
it. I've never used it but read it would be possible to setup different
boot params in there, like which disk or partition it should boot from,
however the repair process does it all.


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