Stephen Powell wrote:
> On 2009-12-31 at 12:37:33 -0500, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
>> Not all BIOSes have built-in network boot support, though. For those who
>> don't, but can boot a CD-ROM, you can boot this CD and it will then
>> continue to a network boot as would have been done in a computer whose
>> BIOS can do that automatically.
> Oh, now I get it.  But that raises another question: why then is there a need
> for two network-based installation methods: netinst and netboot?  Why not
> just use netboot for all network-based installs and save some duplication
> of effort?  Then again, there are two flavors of netinst: regular and
> "business card".  (Or is "business card" considered a separate installation
> method?)  Why so many flavors?  Why not use the netboot CD for everything?

netboot is for actually booting from a network. It's just a helper for
machines that can't do that automatically. It requires you to have
another machine set up to provide the boot images.

netinst (in both flavors) boots from CD and starts the installer from
there. It just downloads packages from the network. This is what most
users want. The differrent from regular and business card is that the
former has some essential packages in the CD, the latter only the
installer itself. The latter downloads a few packages more.

Croll's Query:
        If tin whistles are made of tin, what are foghorns made of?


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