Hi, Randal.

On Thursday, 14 January 2010 17:11:53 +0100,
randall wrote:

>> I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
>> That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
>> then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.
>> Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
>> help me with it or indicate some reference to me?
> i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for
> http://www.linux-ha.org/

Mmm... but, according to I know, Heartbeat is for implementing HA
between two physical servers. To which I talked about with GW1 and GW2
is to two Internet providers.

Thanks for your replies.

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