On 6.2.2010 20:49, rosy cutie wrote:
> i want to install debian on my computer.by searching its website i
> reaches at the page
> http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.4/i386/iso-cd/
> but i am not able to decide which debian?
> i dont understand the computer jargon.i cannot install it via internet
> or through any network.
> i think i can install it by a cd and   debian-504-i386-CD-.iso
> <http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.4/i386/iso-cd/debian-504-i386-CD-1.iso>
> will work for me but why there are cd-1 to cd-31.
> i also want to know what to do with MD5SUMS.
> is it also nessacery to download it.
> may be it is not nessacery but i want to know how to use it.
> please help me.

I have used Linux from 1994, but mostly in servers and text mode. I now
have a VirtualBox on my Windows, and desktop linuces on that too. I have
latest Debian, and latest Ubuntu Desktops.

While I prefer Debian as my server systems, I definitely prefer Ubuntu
as a Desktop. The Debian workstation has this font problem: it just does
not like usable out of the box. Ubuntu looks great.

Ubuntu, while a bit strange at first to me as a Debian user (it does not
have root superuser, but this "sudo -i"), is great. I find myself
booting the Ubuntu when I need Linux, the Debian I do not use.

As a Linux beginner, I say: go Ubuntu. That way you get the Debian open
system with acceptable user experience.


Tell the truth or trump--but get the trick.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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