On Mon,15.Feb.10, 23:47:44, Chris Jones wrote:
> What I did on my machine with a BIOS that will never recognize USB
> devices, was boot off of the hard drive grub and then point grub2 to the
> USB device from the shell that's accessible by hitting 'c' on the grub
> boot menu.
> With current versions of grub-pc, you have to load the two USB modules
> manually, which on my hardware takes for ever. But when you see the USB
> light come on, you know you're in business.

I use this little script to make a bootable CD-RW. The menu.lst is setup 
with root=LABEL=

,----[ boot-on-cdrw.sh ]
| #!/bin/sh
| set -e
| TMP_ROOT=/tmp/iso
| TMP_IMAGE=/tmp/boot-on-cdrw.iso
| # copy the curent /boot to a temporary location
| mkdir $TMP_ROOT
| cp -ra /boot $TMP_ROOT
| # add stage2 if needed
| if ! [ -f $TMP_ROOT/boot/grub/stage2_eltorito ] ; then
|       cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito $TMP_ROOT/boot/grub/
| fi
| # create the bootable image
| # all parameters to genisoimage are copy-pasted from the grub manual
| genisoimage -R -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot \
|  -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o $TMP_IMAGE $TMP_ROOT
| # burn the image, assume cdrw media
| wodim -v -sao -eject blank=fast $TMP_IMAGE
| # clean-up
| rm -rf $TMP_ROOT
| rm -f $TMP_IMAGE

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