On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:13:04 +0000 (UTC)
Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Camaleón,

> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:35:16 +0000, Brad Rogers wrote:
> > IM(admittedly limted)E, if X doesn't get the resolution right, xrandr
> > won't be able to detect it any better.
> To be sincere, nowadays that X in "dinamically" setup, I'm not sure.

My experience relates to now.  However, what I'm seeing is an
improvement on what I got about 6 months ago, when X woudn't even start
on this hardware.

> I had previous experiences with xorg configuration that couldn't
> properly detect the display resolution but just by forcing it (writing
> up in xorg.conf file) it just worked :-?

Which is what I'll be doing tonight, probably.

> Also, using a digital output -DVI instead VGA- (if available) can help
> X to detect the screen size and adjust it accordingly.

Sadly, not an option;  No DVI o/p on this machine.

> Another thing to look into is the driver in use. Different drivers 
> deliver different results. Yes, I know that not everyone likes using 
> closed drivers but is just another option to test.

I'm not that bothered about whenther I use nv or nvidia, so yes, that
opens another avenue for me to explore.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"

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