When I command "rndc reload", this will be written to daemon.log

Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: received control channel command
Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: loading configuration from
Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: using default UDP/IPv4 port
range: [1024, 65535]
Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: using default UDP/IPv6 port
range: [1024, 65535]
Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: reloading configuration succeeded
Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: reloading zones succeeded

All seems good. But no, if I have changed, or modified the zone records,
for example added or removed an address, the changes do not show!

Using Debian Lenny, BIND 9.6.1-P3

I tried to google, but could not find a suitable solution.

The new configuration comes alive if I do a restart for bind, but that
reload does not make it.

The configuration files are as follows:


I think this is how it is supposed to be in Debian.

1. I change a zone file
2. I add one to serial in the zone file
3. I command "rndc reload"
4. rndc connects to named, and all seems good
5. changes do not show up :(

Any ideas?


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