My Eee PC can't boot off of the SD card.  It may
be that other models, possibly yours, can, but mine can't.

If you hold down the escape key while booting you get the option to boot from  
the hard drive, or the SD card reader.

Well, whaddayaknow, learn something new every day!

If I were doing it, I might look for an 8 GB or even 16 GB SD card.

The plan is, if she likes it, to install onto her SSD in place of the original 
Xandros installation.  Since it is only 4 GB I wanted a card of the same size 
to make sure that we could fit the OS, software and data into that amount of 

I see, and you already possess the 4 GB card.

You might also
consider a bootable USB flash drive.  Much easier to boot
off of USB than SD.

For testing purposes, that may be true, but I would still need to get grub 
installed so that it can boot without affecting my wife's current installation 
and booting process.  She doesn't want any changes to her current system until 
she has tested the new system for herself.

I think that if you know the device that that USB drive is under, you can install GRUB to it. On my model 1000, the SD card reader is not a 'native' SD device from hardware stand point (all SDs are USB, sort of, but that is a big, tangential, topic) but appear as a USB device. You need to know where it is mounted, and then cope with the drive 'moving around'. The usual method is with labels and/or UUIDs, I think.

I am not sure how to install GRUB to the 'MBR' of the drive, but would it not be similar to that of USB flash 'thumb' drives?

I would be very interested to know this, myself, as I plan to 'hack' an ARM-based, embedded device soon.

Good luck.

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