On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Tim Clewlow <t...@clewlow.org> wrote:

> As to why this happens at all. Not all operating systems are equal.
> Some systems can send bucket loads of new connections down the line
> very quickly, some (read windoze) have slow IO subsystems and so do
> not send multiple connection requests anywhere near as rapidly. I
> have seen modems (and had to throw them out) that worked fine on
> torrents from windows clients, but crashed very quickly when I ran
> nix/bsd torrent based clients.

This makes sense, I guess it's just my opinion but if I knew Ubuntu 9.04
_and_ Windows both downloaded the torrent fine, I would just use one of
those instead of replacing the modem (if that turns out to be the case).
Who's to say the modem he replaces it with would work?  See what I mean,
there's already a solution available (2 actually, 9.04 and Windows) so it
seems like he's in the space of diminishing returns now.

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